14 CFR Part 77.9 states that any person/organization who intends to sponsor any of the following construction or alterations must notify the Administrator of the FAA:
The following link provides information on whether or not you will need to file FAA Form 7460-1: https://oeaaa.faa.gov/oeaaa/external/gisTools/gisAction.jsp?action=showNoNoticeRequiredToolForm_
- any construction or alteration exceeding 200 ft above ground level; or
- any construction or alteration:
- within 20,000 ft of a public use or military airport which exceeds a 100:1 surface from any point on the runway of each airport with its longest runway more than 3,200 ft;
- within 10,000 ft of a public use or military airport which exceeds a 50:1 surface from any point on the runway of each airport with its longest runway no more than 3,200 ft;
- within 5,000 ft of a public use heliport which exceeds a 25:1 surface; or
- any highway, railroad or other traverse way whose prescribed adjusted height would exceed the above noted standards; or
- when requested by the FAA; or
- any construction or alteration located on a public use airport or heliport regardless of height or location.
The following link provides information on whether or not you will need to file FAA Form 7460-1: https://oeaaa.faa.gov/oeaaa/external/gisTools/gisAction.jsp?action=showNoNoticeRequiredToolForm_